

Posted by Lisa Lascelles on 2018 Aug 16th

Fundraising 101

Sports fundraising is so critical these days. Whether you are a basketball, football, soccer, or cheerleading organization, the costs of playing sports is getting higher than registration fees and budgets can handle. Most leagues require players to participate in some sort of sports fundraiser to offset costs. The difficult thing is choosing the best fundraising ideas for your particular team.

There are so many different types of teams and clubs, that choosing a fundraiser can be overwhelming.

How to get started

There is absolutely no reason your fundraiser shouldn't be successful. But unfortunately, that's not always the case.

The good news is that with a little focus, just about every fundraising idea can work to some degree.

So, let's look at 3 things you and your team should do to get started. While we certainly can’t guarantee results, you will certainly be better equipped to start your fundraiser with a better chance for success.

#1 Formulate a Game Plan

The problem with lots of fundraisers is that they are last minute events with little to no planning prior to getting started.

It's no wonder that results can be lacking.

So here are some things to brainstorm as you develop a fundraising game plan:

1. How much money are you trying to raise?

2. Will you hold one fundraiser or are your needs too large for just one?

3. Have you clearly defined what the money you are raising will be used for?

4. Do you have a basic schedule for your fundraiser? Make sure it includes planning time, a start date, turn in date, end date and delivery date.

5. Create a list of successful fundraisers you (or others) have held over the past few years.

#2 Getting Everyone on board

It's important that your players are motivated to raise money. Otherwise it doesn't matter how much money you need because your players will simply not care and not produce.

At your next group meeting, make sure you designate time to talk specifically about your fundraiser.

The first thing you should discuss is the need for the fundraiser. What do your players need that requires a fundraiser? Be sure each member understands the personal benefits they will receive from helping with the fundraiser.

Next go on to goals. Everyone should know how much you are trying to raise and when you need to raise the money by. That means each player needs to know what you expect of them individually. Set individual goals as minimums.

Review the schedule for when you are planning to get started.

#3 Choose a Fundraiser

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Bake Sale – Bake sales are always fun (everyone likes homemade goodies!)

Host a Car Wash – Who doesn’t like a clean car? If your team members don’t want to do the actual washing, try selling car wash tickets to a local car wash. Many of these companies will give back 50% of the profits. Contact the local carwash nearest you to see what fundraiser program they have.

Selling Products –check out companies such as Vandermeer Nursery, World FinestChocolate or MacMillan Orchards (serving Durham/Toronto & Southern Ontario) that have fundraising programs. You sell their products (plants, chocolate, cookie dough etc.) at a good rate and then make a percentage back of what you sell.

Rent a Student - The best part about this fundraiser is that there is a 100% profit! Your organization can offer to “rent your students” to families to do mow their lawns, do yard work, walk their dogs, help clean out their garage or any other jobs they might need done. This is typically done in increments of 30 minutes. It’s pretty cut and dry and a great money maker!

Restaurant Night - Everyone needs to eat! So, match that need with an opportunity to earn money from the profits of a local restaurant and you have a win-win situation! Many restaurants will share 10-20% of total sales with your organization. Simply set up a night with the restaurant and get as many people to eat at that particular restaurant on the designated date!

Soccer: Shot Cage - This fundraising program is best suited for a league-wide effort. On Picture Day, during a tournament, or at any other event with high attendance, set up a soccer “shot cage” with a radar gun to measure velocity. Every player will want multiple chances to show just how fast their shot speeds toward the goal. You can set up contests with prizes for various age ranges, team awards, Top Gun, etc. Soccer fundraising featuring a radar-equipped shooting cage is actually an inexpensive event to host. Several companies rent the equipment by the week with radar gun, cage, and freight all included for less than $350. To maximize your soccer fundraising success, price shots in a multi-shot package, such as two for $1 or other combinations. Count the number of players in your league or potential shooters at a tournament event and determine if this type of soccer fundraising is right for your group.

Some fundraising ideas are from and
